Health Tips

Health Tips from Down to Earth Organic and Natural.

Get Fit and Feel Fab

Photo: Couple Riding Mountain Bikes

One of the most fun ways to live a healthy lifestyle is to make sure you’re living an ACTIVE lifestyle. That’s right – exercising and engaging in physical activity doesn’t have to be torture!

Switching to a Greener Lifestyle for Earth Day

Photo: Cabbage

Earth Day is a good time to jumpstart a more eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle. Here are a few switches you can make to establish a greener way of living:

Curbing Colorectal Cancer Through a Plant-based Diet

Photo: Woman Eating a Salad

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, addressing a common type of cancer that affects both men and women.

Essential Fats for a Healthy Heart

Photo: Walnuts

One way to keep your heart healthy and protected is by ensuring that you have the right amount of essential fatty acids in your diet, particularly Omega 3’s. They provide many heart protective properties among a host of other benefits.

Truly Healthy: Fitness and Inner Happiness

Photo: Woman with running shoes

Living a truly healthy lifestyle includes all aspects of a person’s life: what they consume, how active they are, how they manage stress, their mental and emotional health, and how they care for each other.

Healthy Desserts During the Holiday Season

Photo: Blueberry Crumble

One of the scariest parts about cooking or baking during the holiday season is the expectation that being healthy means sacrificing taste or flavor; but that really doesn’t have to be the case!

Eating Healthy Around the Holidays

Photo: Family walking on the beach

Thanksgiving is a fun-filled holiday that’s known for big eating and those pesky pounds that go along with it. But you can actually enjoy the holiday season without weight gain if you learn to avoid overindulging on and around the holidays leading up to the New Year.

Fight Disease with a Plant-based Diet

Photo: Heart Healthy Vegetables

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventioni (CDC), the most common and costly diseases are also among the most preventable of all health problems.

September is “Fruits & Veggies – More Matters” Month

Photo: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

This month is “Fruits & Veggies – More Matters” Month, bringing attention to the importance of having plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet.

Healthy and Nutritious School Snacks

Photo: Child eating fruit

With most kids back in school this month, it’s the perfect time to get inspired with new snack ideas! The importance of healthy snacking is huge, as it helps balance blood sugar levels, provides lasting energy, and ensures good nourishment for you and your growing children.