Honolulu Fermentation Class

You can purchase tickets on our Eventbrite here

 Fermentation is both an art and a science, and fermented foods have been enjoyed around the world for centuries. These wild and wonderful ferments are experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to their multiple health benefits and magical flavor. Andrea will share why fermented foods are so healthful, and how they are linked to improved immunity, digestion and even mood! She will discuss the benefits of probiotics for our body, and demonstrate how easy it is to make your own homemade kimchi and sauerkraut at home. There will be samples for each student, along with printed recipes and a tip sheet to make the most of your fermentation experiments. 

For more information, please call (808) 947-3249.
48 Hour Cancellation Policy for Refunds and Cancellations.

You can purchase tickets on our Eventbrite here