Buying Local Builds Community

So many people talk about buying local as if it's something new.  We've been buying local ever since we started in Wailuku on Maui over 35 years ago.  It's not something special or new that we're doing.  It's something we've always done.  It's what we're about.  Through buying local, supporting local farmers and vendors, we're giving back to the local economy.  And, we're giving back to our local community through cooking classes and nutritional seminars, support of local nonprofit organizations, and participating in local community events.  It's all one big local circle.  We're glad to be a part it and help our local community flourish.

We work with over 400 local vendors, including more than 100 local farmers, to bring you as much locally grown produce and foods available.  On average, 50 to 60 percent of the produce we sell is grown in Hawaii.  Often, it's quite higher.  However, supporting "local" doesn’t just stop at the farms.  It includes local businesses that manufacture a wide of items ranging from food and health and wellness items to body care and cosmetics, to household items and more!

We support the people of Hawaii and our local economy by buying local whenever possible for several reasons:

  • Fresher.  The shorter distances produce travels from a local farm to you ensures it is fresher and contains the highest possible amount of nutrients, enzymes and life-force. 
  • Greener.  Less energy is spent transporting local food. 
  • Keeps money in the local community
  • Creates local jobs.
  • Strengthens community well-being
  • Embraces what makes Hawaii unique

Buying locally grown food and locally produced items supports local farmers and businesses, environmental sustainability, and our local economy, as well as our health and the health and welfare of our communities.

Night Markets Celebrate Local!

To celebrate our support for "buying local," this year Down to Earth has begun holding Night Markets at its Kailua location every 4th Tuesday of the month.  It has been so well received that we will begin having them at our Honolulu location every third Tuesday of the month, beginning this March 18th.  Both locations hold their Night Markets from 5:00pm to 7:30pm

Although the Night Markets are food oriented, a variety of products are represented.  Vendors sample and directly sell their local Hawaiian fare.  Product demos inside the store add to the mix.  The Night Markets feature a great Down to Earth sale, where customers receive 35% off the regular price of ten best-selling items …all to the beat of live entertainment.  It's a party!

Some of the vendors that participate in our Night Markets include:

  • Life Foods – a Maui-based company making nutrient-packed foods from organic super-food ingredients.  Down to Earth’s partnership with Life Foods has been instrumental in propelling their success on Oahu. Their line of vegan, non-GMO, soy-free and gluten-free products includes: patties, condiments, dressings and sauces, sauerkraut and kimchi, tempeh and gomasio. Their ingredients are grown and sourced in Hawaii.
  • Kaiulani Spices –  This is an array of unique organic spices made in Hawaii with no added chemicals, no MSG, preservatives or gluten.  Chef Kaiulani is also the guest chef at our Kailua Night Market free cooking class with Down to Earth's popular chef Mama T.  Join them 4:30 to 5:30 pm. 
  • Manoa Chocolate – Handmade in Kailua town, where they welcome visitors to tour their factory.
  • Flavor of Ayala – Based in Ewa, the Ayala family has created a blend of Central American and Hawaiian flavors, creating a deliciously fresh and unique, all-natural ono salsa
  • Puna Noni – This small, family-owned and operated business in Kailua makes 100% pure Hawaiian noni health products.
  • Daniel Anthony of Mana Ai – Pounding poi and selling paiai.
  • Ono Pops – Produces delicious, refreshing gourmet treats that are handmade in Hawaii using local and organic resources.
  • Kombucha Pep Tea – Marie Tan has been making and selling Pep Tea locally for many years.
  • Wai Lana – All-natural supplements, body care products, delicious healthy snacks, as well as natural health, fitness, and beauty products.

Next time you shop at Down to Earth, remember our slogan, "Love Life! Eat healthy, Be happy!" and …love local!