
A Lesson From McDonalds

The primary motivation for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle is the desire to increase one’s health and wellness. It is no secret that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables decreases a person’s risk of cancer, heart disease, and other health problems. In contrast, a diet high in red and processed meats has been shown to increase these risks. Evidence of the dangers of a meat-based diet can be found in the recent fate of McDonalds' CEOs, Jim Cantalupo and Charlie Bell.

Loving Animals Means Truly Caring for Them

Many Americans appreciate the companionship of a dog or cat. We care so much about our beloved pets that we treat them like part of the family. We buy them clothes, serve them special meals and treats, and if the need arises, we will spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on medical expenses without a second thought.

Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

The weight loss industry in America is booming. Billions of dollars each year are spent on pills, drinks, surgeries, and other “miracle weight loss solutions.” It seems every week there is a new book claiming to have the solution for weight loss. Choose from the Atkins Diet, the Fat Flush Diet, the Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Blood Type Diet, and the Subway Sandwich diet. The list goes on and on. Each one proposes a slightly different solution to help you shed those unwanted pounds as quickly as possible.

The Lack Of Proper Nutritional Education

Who do you turn to for advice on food, proper nutrition, and diet? Most people ask their family doctor for advice on diet and nutrition, but a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that 60 percent of medical schools in the United States are not meeting minimum recommendations for their students' nutrition education.1 This means that doctors are not necessarily nutrition experts, in fact, most of them are not.

Knowing When to Say When

No, this is not an article about drinking and driving. It is about common sense and respect for nature. Big business has for years poisoned our food and water supplies with all sorts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the name of “progress.” It was really just a determined few who managed to preserve any meaning to the word “organic.”

My Journey to Vegetarianism

I was just 20 years old when I traveled from southern California to San Francisco, the city of many steep hills, but I was feeling like I was 40. I’d go to the little market just 3 blocks from home and by the time I returned to our cute studio apartment I was huffing and puffing. In high school I ran track and “physically fit” was my middle name. I didn’t like what was happening to me. To my good fortune, the health-conscious movement was beginning to burgeon in northern California.

Humane Meat?

There is a new label in the health food market regarding meat products - “certified humane.” That label might have some legitimacy to it if you were buying a cow to bring home as a pet. But to call animal slaughter “humane,” no matter how it is done, is a stretch.

How Prepared Are You?

Nobody likes to think a calamity could hit them. Though every so often we get a reminder that a disaster could be just around the corner – such as the recent brush we had with several hurricanes. And after witnessing the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico, it pays to be prepared.

Sometimes we put off preparation for a disaster because we do not like to think about the possibility of something bad happening. However, if we do not take preventative steps, we may wind up regretting it later.

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Dangers and Natural Alternatives

The newspaper headlines were alarming: "Hormone therapy too risky, study says. Increased chance of cancer among long-term effects."

These headlines were no surprise to me, a post-menopausal woman who is part of the nationwide, federally funded study, "Women's Health Initiative." This study started in 1991 and includes 265 women in Hawaii.

The Vegetarian Diet - A Hopeful Alternative

With today’s growing trend of unhealthy lifestyles and health issues like obesity, heart disease, and breast cancer, it is no wonder that the availability vegetarian products are on the rise. Most supermarkets have started carrying items like soymilk and vegetarian alternatives to meat because all types of people, not only vegetarians, are interested in buying them. Family physicians have promoted eating more fruits and vegetables for years, but it is the growing number of deaths which are diet-related that has now prompted many people to begin to change their eating habits.