
Weight Loss the Ayurvedic Way

The term Ayurveda is slowly becoming a household name. Pronounced Aa-yer-vay-da and originating from India, it is said to be the world’s oldest healing science. As more people turn to natural solutions for their health problems, the popularity of Ayurveda continues to grow.

The Atkins Illusion

Many Americans are obsessed with weight loss. Millions of dollars are spent each year on weight loss programs, diet books, diet foods, miracle drinks, and surgeries in order to get our bodies to shed those extra pounds.

Aspartame: The Potential Risk Lurking In Your Cabinets

In the 1980s, a product called aspartame revolutionized the dieting industry. It was a calorie free sweetener that appeared to be the perfect solution to a dieter’s sugar cravings.

The Antiperspirant Debate

The concern surrounding the use of antiperspirants has been debated for years. Scientists have wrestled with a possible link in the product’s key ingredient, aluminum, and its connection to several major diseases. In a recent broadcast, CBS brought forth the issue once again, but for many people the question still remains – are they safe?

Alcohol, Cancer Risk, and the Benefits of Being a Vegetarian

The consumption of alcohol is often argued to be safe and even beneficial for the body.. However, a new CNN report claims that “along with smoking and chronic infections, alcohol consumption is an important cause of several types of cancer.” Recent studies have shown that “excessive drinking raises the risk for cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, colon, liver, and breast. It may also be linked with cancer of the pancreas and lung.”

ADD: Digging to the Root of the Cause

More and more attention is being focused on children and the increasing trend to prescribe them pharmaceutical drugs to counter their “inability” to pay attention. From symptoms such as unacceptably speaking out, to not being able to complete a task properly, or being too aggressive, Americans have sought out the solution from a pill. But with the number of prescriptions only increasing, it is clear that there is a dire need to understand the real cause and solution of the problem.

5-9 A Day The Fruit and Veggie Way

The 5 A Day for Better Health Program was formed in 1991 after extensive studies and research found that people who eat more fruit and vegetables are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, and a myriad of other health conditions. They recommend a minimum of 1 lb. of fruit and vegetables per day which translates roughly into 5 portions a day.