Gigi Miranda's Vegan Local Fruit Gulaman Dessert

Photo: Local Fruit Gulaman Dessert
Gigi Miranda's Vegan Local Fruit Gulaman Dessert Recipe from Down to Earth Organic and Natural
12 servings
  • 1 quart pure fruit juice
  • 5-6 teaspoons agar powder 
  • 2 cups chopped local fruit

1. Place fruit juice in pot on medium heat.
2. Whisk agar powder into juice until completely dissolved, simmer 5-10 minutes on low heat.
3. Pour juice into container, add chopped fruit.
4. Place in refrigerator and allow to set overnight.
5. Serve gulaman in a bowl or add gulaman chunks in a glass with crushed ice, fruit tea, herbal tea or dairy-free milk, tapioca pearls or other chopped fruit. Enjoy!