Letter to the Editor

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Health Risks Confirm Need for GMO Labeling

The alarming health risks posed by genetically modified food (GMOs) were confirmed yet again by another laboratory test on rats as reported in the Star-Advertiser's article, "Death, disease rampant on GM-only Diet " (9/20/12). The biotech industry introduced GMOs into the human food supply in 1996. They have since turned it into one of the most dangerous and least understood experiments with human health the world has ever known.

Sadly, Hawaii is the busiest GMO research and development center in the world for these harmful and dangerous crops. We have become the unwitting exporters of what appears to be the possible cause for disease and premature death of possibly hundreds of millions of people. Hawaii’s residents should be shocked to know of their intimate connection in this potential worldwide disaster.

Up to 75% of food on supermarket shelves contain GMOs. Down to Earth calls for—at the very least—GMO labeling so that, if we want, we can choose not to eat GMOs.

Mark Fergusson, Down to Earth Chief Vegetarian Officer (CEO/CFO) and Director of the Hawaii Organic Farmers Association