Do you truly want to be a wiener?

Well, the wiener story has generated some interest, with eight (8) comments so far and counting! Yeah, sausages are disgusting, yet that truth is well hidden, and clever marketing like the Wienermobile keeps it that way. The Honolulu Advertiser and other media are continuing to promote the Wienermobile, they must not have read my blog post yet!

As for the jingle: “Oh, I'd love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener. That is what I'd truly like to be”, it is so inane it is barely worth further consideration… yet I can’t stop myself from commenting about it. Aside from the philosophical and metaphysical questions of whether a living being can become a wiener, (i.e. the questions of who am I? Are we our bodies or are we a life particle separate from our bodies, etc.), who in their right mind would ever want to become an Oscar Mayer wiener?

To become a wiener you would go through a horrendous process. You would be stunned in some way, hung upside down on a hook, your throat slit, your blood drained out (being carefully captured in a bucket for use in the wiener that you are to become), and if you are unfortunate you may regain consciousness during this process. Your chest would then be cut open and your organs pulled out (again carefully saved to become ingredients for the future wiener), you are then cut into pieces with a chain saw, with your choice meat cuts then deboned and packaged up and sent to a supermarket. All your waste products, i.e. your blood, organs, fat, scraps etc., are then put through a grinder, spiced with pepper and herbs and packaged into your intestines until finally you have become a wiener!

Do you truly want to be a wiener?

I can’t think of anyone singing the wiener jingle who would actually want to be a wiener.

Love Life! Love animals, don’t eat them.

Thanks for reading.

Mark Fergusson