Environment & Sustainability
Blog posts on environment & sustainability at Down to Earth Organic and Natural.
Earth Month: Kickstart Your Spring Garden

Earth Month is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by diving into the magic of gardening? Whether you’re planting your first seed or already have dirt under your nails, growing your own goodies or choosing organic is the way to go.
Celebrate World Health Day and Earth Month with Aloha!

Taking care of and loving the ʻāina is essential to assuring that all people, and all living entities, have nourishing food to eat and safe places to live. Without healthy food, how can people in Hawaii and worldwide thrive and be well?
Eco-friendly Christmas tree ornaments

If you are looking for some eco-friendly decorations, specifically in the tree ornament department, we got you! These Christmas ornaments are sustainable and will be fun to create with your friends or ohana.
Eco-friendly Christmas decorations the earth will thank you for!

On Christmas morning, we wait for our friends or loved ones to wake up and enjoy a breakfast meal and then we make a huge mess of unwrapping presents. The gift-wrapping paper, bows, and ribbon are found on the floor and then thrown in the trash. We watch a Christmas movie and enjoy drinking hot cocoa in our pajamas. Christmas season is such a magical time of the year! Unfortunately, it can also be the most wasteful.
Earth, Health, and Budget-Friendly Eating

Most people have one of these main concerns: money, health, or the planet. You may even be seriously worried about all three!
Celebrating National Environmental Education Week: Inspiring a Greener Future

National Environmental Education Week (NEEW) is an annual celebration that aims to inspire and educate people about the importance of preserving our planet for future generations.
Make This Earth Day Organic and Natural & Shop for the 'Aina!

Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd but at Down to Earth we like to celebrate all month long!
Restoring Our Earth for a Sustainable Future: Earth Month

April is Earth Month, a time when people around the world come together to celebrate our planet and raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection. As we enter Earth Month, it's more important than ever to take action to preserve our planet for future generations.
5 Reasons Why People Go Vegan

If you asked for vegan food at a restaurant 20, 10, or even five years ago, you’d be met with an eyeroll or confusion. Fast forward to now, and times have definitely changed. Hawaii has been found to be the most vegan-friendly state, with the highest number of fully vegan restaurants per capita of anywhere in the country. Preventing the exploitation of animals used to be the primary reason for going vegan; however, today the health and environmental impacts are also leading people towards eating a plant-based diet.
How to Observe Fair Trade Month All Year

The idea of fair trade can be summarized as a global movement to trade based on partnership, instead of exploitation. Fair trade protects prices for farmers and workers and provides clean, fair, and good working conditions for all. It was started by a woman named Edna Ruth Byler in 1946 in Puerto Rico who began importing needlecrafts from low-income women in South America.