The original predatory lender?

There was a great comic in the Honolulu Advertiser today, June 16, 2009, with the caption "The original predatory lender" with a picture of the earth with a big sign on it saying "Fine Print: failure to curb emissions in time may result in draconian climatological adjustments", and an inhabitant of the earth looking at the sign in puzzlement thinking "what the?".

We should view ourselves as custodians or caretakers of the earth and the environment, not as owners, enjoyers and exploiters. The earth, the aina, is like a mother providing sustenance to us, if we mistreat her we will suffer the consequences. However, this is not in any "contract", and the earth is not a "predatory lender", rather she gives freely of her bounty, but if instead of appreciating what she is freely providing and taking care of her, if we abuse her, we will reap the rewards, as we sow, so shall we reap.