Five Thinning Thanksgiving Tips

Photo: Woman Measuring Her Waist

During all the festivities of Thanksgiving with family and friends, it’s easy to gain a pound or two on this holiday weekend. Try these healthy eating tips on how to avoid putting on weight without depriving yourself of a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

Choose Meatless Recipes

Plant-based meals tend to be lower in fat (especially saturated fat) and higher in fiber. There are many absolutely fabulous plant-based holiday recipes; such as meatless turkey as well as delicious gravy, stuffing, casseroles, and all your other holiday favorites on our holiday recipes page. I personally have served many Thanksgiving feasts using our DTE recipes that have greatly pleased my guests including those who are non-vegetarians.

Eat a Hearty Breakfast

Eating a hearty breakfast not only maintains a healthy metabolism but also gives you control over your appetite. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal and fruit, or a protein shake and whole grain toast, or yogurt and whole-grain granola. Eating foods that are high in protein and fiber will take the edge off your appetite. This way, you won’t be starving when its time for Thanksgiving dinner. You can even have a little healthy snack such as fruit before arriving at the gathering.

Control Your Servings

Try to eat smaller portions by using a smaller plate, like a salad or desert plate for dinner. And try to resist the temptation to go back for seconds. If you limit yourself to one plate, you can avoid overeating and still have room to enjoy desert. Plus, the extra food always makes for yummy leftovers the next day.

Savor Your Meal

Eat slowly, take smaller bites, put your fork down between bites, and chew your food. Experts say, this is an easy way to enjoy your meal and feel satisfied with just one plateful of food.

Stay on Track

One big meal isn’t going to cancel out the healthy meals before and after. So don’t feel too bad if you had an “off” day. Instead, get back on course and stay the healthy track. Eat a plant-based diet abundant in whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits as often as possible.